June 4 – 5, 2013
Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston
Arlington, Virginia
Dear SHW/SCH Principal Investigator:
As you know, one of the requirements of the awards under the
Smart Health and Wellbeing program was an annual meeting of all of the
Principal Investigators. This year’s meeting will be taking place on June 4-5, organized by Dr. Maja Matarić (lead), Dr. Ruzena Bajcsy, and Dr. Elizabeth Mynatt.
All PIs in the program are expected to attend and bring a poster. Grant budgets are expected to cover travel and attendance at the meeting; the meeting involes no registration fee.
Thank you for your participation in this program and we are looking
forward to seeing you in June of 2013 at the Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston in Arlington, Virginia.
Best Regards,